Montwood's Christian Educaton philosophy

A Few Things You Might Like to Know About Our Christian Education Ministry

Nothing New...

The doctrines that we teach are the same that have been taught since Jesus and His apostles began to share the message of grace that comprises the Bible's New Testament. Our goal is to live by the same principles and precepts that the first Christians followed so we study the same Scriptures that they wrote and taught from. Some examples of what they taught include...

  • Inerrancy of Scripture
  • Creationism
  • Priesthood of all believers
  • Baptism by immersion for the forgiveness of sins
  • Triunity of God
  • Holiness
  • The indwelling of the Holy Spirit

…Yet Different

We present the timeless truths of Scripture using methods and language that are modern, dynamic and relevant to the members of the Church. Without deviating from what was taught in the 1st century, we use 21st century tools and technology to make our Bible lessons understandable and memorable. We teach directly from the Scriptures to all ages, including children, youth and adults, adapting our approach to the specific audience.

Many churches today like to emphasize how different they are from others, all the while subscribing to the same format and formula to appeal to popular culture. The Montwood Church of Christ understands that we are commanded to be different from the world, so coming to our classes will not be like attending a self-help seminar or a business workshop. We dig deep into the Word of God so that we may attain and then maintain the type of lifestyle that God desires.

Montwood's education Ministry

The Montwood church of Christ believes that studying God's Word and applying its principles is paramount. Because the Bible is God's inspired Word, it is dynamic and relevant to every aspect of life today.