joseph ministry

The Joseph Ministry is an outreach ministry for those in our community that are exiting the correctional system.  This ministry is led by Mr. Ron Washington and the purpose of the ministry is to help provide transitional assistance to men and women exiting the penal system. 

The Joseph Ministry regularly provides, professional clothing, support to attain identification and the like but most importantly the Joseph Ministry provides spiritual support and guidance.  Those individuals that choose to be a part of the program attend worship service weekly, with transportation provided through the Montwood Bus Ministry.  Participants also complete  a Bible correspondence course, that is focused on the building blocks of Christianity.  

As with each Montwood Ministry the teachings come directly from the Bible and are designed to help each individual mature into baptized believer.  If you are interested in learning more about the Joseph Ministry please contact us at 915-855-9896.  We stand ready to serve, let us know how we can serve you!!